Restoran Diserbu Setelah Didakwa Menghidang Daging Babi Dalam Mi Kari

Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Selangor memeriksa dan merampas bahan mentah berupa daging ayam, di sebuah restoran terkenal di Subang Jaya semalam, susulan tular sebuah video mendakwa mi kari yang dijual premis itu mengandungi daging babi.

Pengarah KPDNHEP Selangor Muhamad Zikril Azan Abdullah berkata, pemeriksaan dijalankan lima anggota penguat kuasa itu, bagaimanapun mendapati restoran berkenaan mempunyai sijil halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) yang sah sehingga 30 Nov ini.

“Menurut pengurus restoran itu, beliau mempunyai tiga pekerja warga Myanmar yang bertugas sebagai tukang masak.

“Pemeriksaan lanjut ke bahagian dapur restoran menemukan bahan mentah yang digunakan untuk menyediakan menu mi kari kepada pelanggan. Bahan mentah utama iaitu daging disyaki daging ayam disita, bagi tujuan ujian makmal dan keterangan oleh pakar,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Tambah Muhamad Zikril Azan, turut disita semasa pemeriksaan itu adalah Sijil Halal JAKIM dan dokumen penghantaran bahan mentah oleh pembekal.

Katanya, pengurus premis memaklumkan bekalan bahan mentah dipesan oleh pihak ibu pejabat syarikat restoran terbabit.

Muhamad Zikril Azan berkata kes disiasat di bawah kesalahan Perintah 3(1)(a) Perintah Perihal Dagangan (Takrif Halal) 2011 dan jika disabitkan dengan kesalahan, boleh didenda seperti di bawah Perintah 5 Perintah Perihal Dagangan 2011.

Tambah beliau lagi, KPDNHEP Selangor akan terus memantau serta memeriksa bagi memastikan mana-mana pemegang sijil halal JAKIM sentiasa mematuhi peraturan selain menekankan aspek kesucian dan kebersihan bagi menjamin kemaslahatan pengguna Muslim di negara ini. -{Bernama]

An Answer To Boo Su Lyn’s, “Why don’t we eat together anymore?”

The Malay Mail Online columnist, Boo Su Lyn wrote an article discussing why she thinks the Malays and Chinese do not eat together anymore.

Interestingly, in the article, she seemed to put all the blame on the Malays, implying their “obsession with “halal” food“, as the main cause of the problem.

This is not the first time Boo Su Lyn makes malicious statements about Islam, the Malays, the Muslims and Islamic authorities.

(Please click here for MMO Did Not Apologise For Boo Su Lyn’s Seditious Article).

In her article, “Why don’t we eat together anymore?”, she wrote:

This unhealthy obsession foments suspicion on Chinese food sellers, even if they’re not selling pork, and discourages Malay-Muslims from dining with other Malaysians at the same table, at the same restaurant, or even at the same section in a food court.

She complained that the Malays do not even want to eat at pork-free Chinese restaurants.

She further accused the Malays of having, “persistent myth that associates the Chinese to pork”, saying:

Why can’t Malays eat at non-pork Chinese restaurants? Not all Chinese dishes contain pork. I don’t understand why there is a persistent myth that associates the Chinese to pork, or why there are irrational fears of so-called pork “particles” contaminating the air. Not only do such concerns sound ridiculous; there’s also an undertone of racism.

I feel really offended by people like Boo Su Lyn, who likes to insult other, calling others racists and behaving as if she understands Islam better than the Muslims.

Having negative perceptions towards the Malays, she wrote that the Malays avoid eating at Chinese restaurants because of racial reasons but says nothing about the Chinese who avoid eating at Malay restaurants.

The night before, my family and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at a Chinese Muslim halal restaurant in Kota Tinggi, Johor.

The Chinese restaurant serves delicious Chinese food but the people eating there are mostly the Malays, I saw only one Chinese customer waiting for his order to be packed.

My question to Boo Su Lyn is, why must the Chinese avoid eating at the restaurant despite it is a Chinese restaurant?

Is it because the Chineseman who runs the restaurant is a Muslim?

So, by Boo Su Lyn’s logic, it is the non-Muslim Chinese who are actually racists.

The non-Muslim Chinese have no limitation in food affairs so they can eat at halal restaurants, and if non-Muslim Chinese like Boo Su Lyn eats at halal restaurant, everybody will be eating together.

Trying to teach the Malays again, Boo Su Lyn asked, “Why can’t Malays eat at non-pork Chinese restaurants?”

By asking the question, she is telling the Malays that they can eat at non-pork Chinese restaurants or in another word, the non-pork Chinese restaurants are halal restaurants.

Boo Su Lyn should check with JAKIM the criteria of halal food before making silly conclusion about halal food.

And to further insult the Malays, Boo Su Lyn wants the Malays to share a table with a Chinese who is eating “bak kut teh”, knowing that “bak kut teh” is a pork-laden dish where the word ”bak” refers to pork in Chinese.

Why can’t we have Malays eating nasi lemak, the Chinese dining on “bak kut teh and the Indians consuming roti canai at the same table? Do dietary restrictions really mean that one cannot dine with someone else who doesn’t have those restrictions?

If this is her idea of promoting unity, she must be a very inconsiderate and self-centered person for she fails to respect other people’s religion.

Instead of putting the blame on the Malays, why don’t Boo Su Lyn tell the people who have no dietary restrictions to eat at halal restaurants so that everybody can eat together?

As a non-Muslim, Boo Su Lyn has no constitutional rights to talk about Islam and teach the Muslims about what is halal and what is not.

In fact, she has to look at herself first, the fact that she is an atheist means that she is against the National Principles of our country because being an atheist is against the first Rukun Negara, which is, “Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan” or Belief in God.

She must learn to respect the National Principles and the Federal Constitution of Malaysia before telling Malaysians what they should do.

By making malicious statements regarding Islam and the Malays, it is her who does not respect the national unity and not the other way around.