Selangor’s MB Must Obey The Sultan Or Resign – Naser Disa

Yesterday I attended the Forum Islam Dan Cabaran Semasa – Polemik Isu Kalimah Allah at the Auditorium Utama, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa.

(Please click here for the full video of his speech: ‘Video: Naser Disa Polemik Isu Kalimah Allah’)

I  think Uncle Naser Disa’s speech was the most interesting because as a lawyer he always explains issues according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

Uncle Naser said that according to the Federal Constitution, all politicians and all Malaysians must obey the decisions and the decrees made by the Sultans or the royal leaders of Malaysia on the ‘kalimah Allah’ issue.

However, the opposition parties, Pakatan Rakyat challenged the decree made by the Sultans that prohibited the word Allah from being used by non-Muslim to refer to their gods.

Uncle Naser went on saying that if the politicians failed to respect the Sultans’ decree on this matter, their nominations as the candidates in the coming general election should not be accepted because according to Section 298A of the Penal Code what they did is against the law.

And the Selangor’s Menteri Besar or the Chief Minister of Selangor and his excos should resign from their posts if they still cannot obey the supreme leader of Selangor, the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj.

As I wrote in, ‘PAS Says, “Yes” For The Word “Allah” In The Malay Version Bible, I think that the opposition parties do not understand Article 3(1) and 11(4) of the Federal Constitution, so Uncle Naser Disa is right; those who fail to understand and respect the law and the Federal Constitution should not be accepted as our leaders.

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Author: Ahmad Ali Karim

Blogger. Columnist at Utusan Malaysia. RCE Youth Coordinator at RCE Greater Gombak. Secretary at Pertubuhan Permuafakatan Pendidikan Malaysia (ME'DIDIK).

10 thoughts on “Selangor’s MB Must Obey The Sultan Or Resign – Naser Disa”

    1. Dear fker,
      Thank you for writing but please do not be rude. Why must you mentioned Perkasa here when Uncle Naser Disa is and was not a member of Perkasa? By the way, Uncle Naser Disa is an expert in the Constitutional Law of Malaysia and he knows what he is talking about. He does not spin stories.


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