Photos: Cute Photos of Guinea Pigs By Colin Mclaughlin

Sam and Chester making a fruit smoothie
Sam and Chester making a fruit smoothie

This is one boy’s amazing picture diary of his pet rodents doing very human tasks.

Talented Colin Mclaughlin, from Maryland, USA, has created a hilarious photo collection of his pet guinea pigs, Chester and Sam.

The two-and-a-half-year-old guinea pigs appear to love nothing better than playing football, reading the newspaper or even blending up a smoothie. (Caters News)

I really enjoy the photos 🙂

Please click here for more images:

Happy Birthday Kashah

Today is November 6, 2008.

It is Kashah’s birthday.

Today Kashah is 11 years old.

I like Kashah’s birthday.

We ate pizza for dinner.

I like pizza.

Kashah got a lot of birthday presents.

Kafah and I got some presents too.


Wonder Pets

Wonder Pets like to eat celery after they saved animals. They like to save animals in trouble. They save animals everyday. The guinea pig’s name is Linny, the turtle’s name is Tuck and the duckling’s name is Ming- Ming. If they want to save animals they don’t use a car but they use their flying boat named Flyboat.

The Wonder Pets in the Flyboat
The Wonder Pets in the Flyboat.

I like to watch  Wonder Pets and I like to sing the Wonder Pets songs. Wonder Pets are good animals because they do not fight but they only save other animals. I like to eat celery too.

I also love to watch 3rd & Bird.

A photo of me eating celery

A photo of me eating celery.