Anwar Ibrahim, Human Rights and Freedom

Anwar Ibrahim claims that he fights for the people, freedom and human rights.

But is he really fighting for the people, freedom and human rights?

Demi Rakyat wrote that Anwar said, “Rakyat jangan jadi bodoh, (mesti) merdekakan rakyat. Tidak ada maknanya Islam itu, apabila rakyat tidak ada kebebasan.”

He is telling the people not to be stupid and that the people need to be freed and Islam has no meaning without people’s freedom.

So my questions are:

  1. Who are the people who are stupid and why are they stupid?

  2. Who are the people who needed to be freed by him?

  3. Islam has no meaning without people’s freedom; is Anwar referring to the idea of Liberalism and Pluralism?

People in Malaysia are free to support any political parties, so why is Anwar talking about people need to be freed?

Does Anwar think that people who do not support him as stupid and not free to make the choice?

Is human rights only means supporting Anwar and people who support the government are not free and stupid?

So, how about the rights of the people to support the government?

Does Anwar think that if one wants freedom he must only support PR?

Anwar’s human rights idea is just the same like the LGBT groups who protested at Cick-fil-A restaurants; please click here: ‘Chick-fil-A Hit by Gay Protesters’.

In Islam there is no total freedom, we have to follow the rules in everything we do; the people who practice total freedom in Islam are the Libralist and Pluralist and it is against the teaching of Islam. 

Now whose rights is Anwar Ibrahim fighting for?